Local school districts, community centers and environmental agencies offer a variety of garden planning classes. Registration has started in some districts; others are just making class schedules available to the public.
Here's a sampling of courses in Oakland and
Wayne counties:
Rain Gardens
This day-long how-to-do-it seminar is designed for ecological gardeners who are working with clay soil. Register beginning at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 9, 2009, at the Southfield Public Library, 26300 Evergreen, south of I-696.
The program will run from 7-8:30 p.m., and cover topics such as compost benefits and water quality, native wildflowers and shrubs for rain gardens, and sizing and locating a rain garden. Speakers will include Rick Lazzell, landscape designer and consultant; Suzan Campbell, Michigan Natural Features Inventory; Lilian Dean, Southeast Oakland County Water Authority (SOCWA) Healthy Lawns and Gardens program.
There is no admission charge, but advance registration is required.
Call Karen Bever at (248) 288-5150 or e-mail LFDean@aol.com.
Postage Stamp Gardens
Michael Saint, a certified master gardener and owner of Good Earth landscape Institute, will show you how to turn a neglected entrance, courtyard or side yard into a peaceful oasis, from 10-11:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 3, 2009, at The Community House, 380 S. Bates, in downtown Birmingham. $19 fee. (248) 644-5832
Creating a Focal Point - Three Easy Steps
Michael Saint demonstrates the use of lighting, sculpture, various plants and hard structures to draw attention to the heart of the garden, 7-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 10, 2009, at The Community House, 380 S. Bates, Birmingham. $19. (248) 644-5832Garden Design Made Simple
Michael Saint offers tips for taking landscaping from "ho hum" to "wow," 7-8:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 18, at The Community House, 380 S. Bates, Birmingham. $19 fee. (248) 644-5832
Growing Roses Made Easy
This session is designed to take the mystery out of growing roses. It runs 7-9 p.m., Thursday, April 9, 2009, at Glenn High School, 36105 Marquette, Westland. $20 fee. No phone registrations accepted. Register by mail or in person starting Jan. 5, 2009, at Tinkham Adult Center, Leisure Office, 450 S. Venoy, Westland, MI 48186.
Roses, Perennials and Hydrangeas: The Makings of a Traditional Flower Border
Learn about vintage gardens in this class, 7-9 p.m., Wednesday, April 22, 2009, at Farmington Community School, Students will look at old fashioned perennials, timeless classic roses and hydrangeas and learn how to combine traditional plants to make their own vintage-style border garden. Farmington Community School, 30415 Shiawassee, Farmington.
The fee is $20. (248) 489-3333
Getting Your Garden Ready for Spring
The class will guide students to a successful garden season with a variety of tips, 7-9 p.m., Wednesday, April 29, 2009, at Farmington Community School, 30415 Shiawassee, Farmington. The fee is $20. (248) 489-3333
Growing Perennials Made Easy
The class will offer tips on successfully growing perennials, including use of fertilizer and other maintenance practices, 7-9 p.m., Thursday, May 14, 2009 at Glenn High School, 36105 Marquette, Westland. $20 fee. No phone registrations accepted. Register by mail or in person starting Jan. 5, 2009, at Tinkham Adult Center, Leisure Office, 450 S. Venoy, Westland, MI 48186.
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