Sean Halpin, after graduating from UCLA, worked for 6 years in aerospace manufacturing, operated for many years in design and engineering for the Big Three automakers, used reverse engineering for the restoration of classic automobiles and Chicago historical buildings, and fulfilled the dreams of small business owners by satisfying their product requests. Sean has been a small business owner since 1995. Halpin Design (established in 2001) has become a much respected design firm among the automotive leaders and many full-service supply companies.

Sean was taken aback one day when a woman named Mary walked through his door looking very serious, and asked to speak with him about a special project. She needed a specific prosthetic device. She wanted a prosthesis she could wear in her bra, designed to have all the comfort she once had before her life changed with breast cancer. Sean's heart immediately poured out to her. He offered her a chair and replied, "let's talk".

Halpin says: "I lost both my mother and father to cancer within 90 days of each other in 2007. The experience changed my life forever. I realized that I have the gifts, talents, and manufacturing experience to deliver the most incredible, natural, symmetrical prosthetic a women could ever want." Sean believed he could take two elements of manufacturing and design and implement them to create the perfect prosthesis.

White light scanning is a state-of-the-art technology that Halpin discovered while designing cars for Saturn in 1993. The scan machine, with its gentle projector-like bulbs, provides safe scanning and very accurate digitized data to develop an image with the most intricate detail.

The surface design process that Sean developed led him to be high above his competitors and produce the highest quality surface products in the automotive and retail markets.

When he combined the white light scanning and surface design process, Sean realized he had something special.

Sean entered the prosthetic market with a staff of passionate professionals committed to delivering the highest quality post-mastectomy product to each individual that walks through his door. The team has dedicated their research to help women lead fuller lives after breast surgery.

After what his mom endured with her cancer, Sean wanted to make a difference for women going through the same pain. Sean knew his product would give women around the world an exciting choice for themselves, and he knew instinctively what to call this vibrant company...

For more information on Proud Mary Prosthetics, click here


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