Summer is approaching, which means that more than 250,000 kids in southeast Michigan who rely on free or reduced-fee meals in school will no longer be getting those meals.

Gleaners wants to keep child hunger at bay this summer by providing an additional 2 million nutritious meals, but we need your help.

Over the summer, we will be asking residents in specific communities to place a bag of food on their porch to help their hungry neighbors. Volunteers will collect the food and bring it back to a central site where a Gleaners truck will be loaded to take the food back to our warehouse for sorting and distribution to our partner soup kitchens, food pantries and other agencies.

You can get involved by joining a Hunger Hero Neighborhood Food Drive volunteer team, or by leaving food on your porch on the designated day for your neighborhood.

The dates and areas are:

May 30 Grosse Pointe area
June 13 S. Oakland County (Ferndale, Oak Park, Pleasant Ridge, Berkley)
July 18 Farmington, Farmington Hills in conjunction with Founders Festival
July 25 Birmingham, Royal Oak, Bloomfield

Maps will be available shortly before the drives so you can confirm whether your block is included in the food drive.

Join a Neighborhood Food Drive Team!
We are looking for individuals and groups to help us canvass neighborhoods on the dates above. Volunteers will work in groups of 6: 2 cars with drivers and 4 walkers. Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. and volunteers will collect food from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., including lunch and breaks. We will have a central location with a registration table, volunteers to help unload the food and a Gleaners truck to transport the food.

Drivers must be 18 or older and each group must have at least one cell phone. Each volunteer group will be given a map with specific streets they need to canvass. One car will drive down the street while walkers collect food off of porches and load it into the car. When the car is full, it will drive to a drop off site in the area while the other car is being filled. Walkers will be given safety vests and cars will have magnetic signs and green flashing lights for the roof to identify them as Gleaners volunteers.

Use our convenient online registration to volunteer for one or more of the neighborhood food drives. You will be contacted about your participation. If you have questions, please contact Stephanie Melnick by phone at 866-GLEANER (453-2637), ext. 270 or e-mail at


Frog said...

This is WONDERFUL to see...I can understand people that might be against the government giving handouts...But Kids are another story...Thanks to Gleaners for helping people who have stumbled upon unfortunate situations unwillingly

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