The Young Adult Council at Gilda's Club Metro Detroit is partnering with Go Comedy Improv Theater in Ferndale to host a Happy Hour Comedy Night on Friday, June 19.
Happy hour begins at 6pm with 50/50 raffle and $1 pizza slices. The comedy shows begin at 8pm and 10pm. Tickets are $20 for one show, $36 for two shows (this is improv comedy so no two shows are alike!).“We’re very excited to partner with the actors and staff at Go Comedy,” said Heather Hall, executive director of Gilda's Club Metro Detroit and member of the Young Adult Council.
“Gilda’s Club was established in memory of Gilda Radner, who loved to laugh and make others laugh. She faced her cancer with a positive attitude, laughter and courage. A comedy night is the perfect type of event to raise awareness of Gilda’s Club and raise money so our red doors stayopen for anyone touched by cancer.”
Proceeds benefit the Young Adult Council, a network of young adult professionals dedicated to raising awareness and funds for the young adult programs at Gilda’s Club, a free non-residential cancer support community for men, women and children affected by cancer.
Young Adult Council supporter, Bill Crawford, is also one of the improve actors performing on June 19.
Tickets are available by calling (248) 327-0575. Go Comedy Improv Theater is located at 261 E. Nine Mile in Ferndale.
Gilda's Club Metro Detroit is a nonprofit cancer support community that provides free social and emotional support for men, women and children living with cancer, their families and friends. Its innovative program is an essential complement to medical care, providing networking and support groups, workshops, education and social activities.
Named in memory of former Detroiter, Gilda Radner, Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit opened in 1998 and has welcomed morethen 6,000 people through the red doors. For more information, call 248-577-0800 or visit http://www.gildasclubdetroit.org./
Contact Information:Gilda's Club Young Adults CouncilHeather HallTel: (248) 577-0800 x 17
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