Los Angeles Times
Lance Armstrong and John Kruk have earned a lot of respect from their fellow men for overcoming the loss of a testicle during their careers as pro athletes.
But do either of them match the fortitude of Red Wing defenseman Nicklas Lidstrom?
Lidstrom acknowledged that he missed Game 4 in the NHL semifinals because he was undergoing surgery on a testicle that had been "speared" a couple of days before. He even managed to practice between his injury and surgery.
Less than a week after being operated on, Lidstrom was back on the ice. That takes, well ... guts.
A Detroit Free Press headline read, "Lidstrom Admits Having Surgery During Playoffs," but given the circumstances, most guys would be bragging about that sort of perseverance. To nobody's surprise, he called it the most painful injury he has had.
Although Detroit eventually fell to the Pittsburgh Penguins in the Stanley Cup, Lidstrom's consolation prize may be the undying respect of every man, everywhere, forever.
I have to agree!!
I have utmost respect for him and to come back and play afterward. This takes guts and perseverance. Definitely a valid reason to miss the first 2 playoff games of his career.
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