7th annual Orchid Festival: Featuring mini phalaenopsis and Bull Dog Paphiopedilum. Orchid growers will discuss new varieties and growing techniques on Sat. and Feb. 14. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sun. Through Feb. 24. At all seven English Gardens locations. 800-335-4769. http://www.englishgardens.com/ for locations.
The Refined Native Plant Garden: 18th annual Winter Gardening Seminar, Gardening Smarter in 2009. Lecture and demonstration by Karen Bovio and Celia Ryker. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sat. Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, 1345 Gratiot, Detroit. $25. Detroit Garden Center: 313-259-6363.
Introduction to Orchids and Repotting Demonstration: Part of the 7th annual Orchid Festival. With local Orchid Society members. 1 p.m. Sat. At all seven English Gardens locations. 800-335-4769. http://www.englishgardens.com/ for locations.
Royal Oak Garden Club: 11 a.m. Mon. Telly's Greenhouse, 3301 John R, Troy. Free. Penny Vansen: 313-861-6579.
Rain Gardens: Seminar for ecological gardeners working with clay soil sites. With Lillian Dean, Southeastern Oakland County Water Authority. 6:30 p.m. Mon. Southfield Public Library, 26300 Evergreen, Southfield. Free. Register. Karen Bever: 248-288-5150.
Community House Garden Club: "Let's Grow Vegetables," presented by Marlene Uhlianuk, Coon Creek Farms. Tips on growing vegetables in garden beds and containers. 7 p.m. Mon. The Community House, 380 S. Bates, Birmingham. $5 donation, or $20 for Garden Club membership. 248-594-6410.
North Farmington Garden Club Meeting: Kathlyn Rosenthal, owner of KR concepts, will speak on "Using Native Plants for Sustainable Landscapes." New members welcome. Noon Tue. Farmington Community Library-Main Library, 32737 W. Twelve Mile, Farmington Hills. Lutie Moore: 248-553-2368.
Valentine Tea Party: Hosted by Evening Primrose Garden Club. Patricia Sagert, a member of the Herb Society of America and certified tea etiquette consultant by the Protocol School of Washington, will discuss "The History of Tea: Growing and Making Your Own." 7-9 p.m. Tue. Cathedral of Praise Church of God, 1285 E. Wattles, Troy. Free. Reservations. Jan: 248-528-1919.
Troy Garden Club Branch of the WNF&GA: With guest speaker George Papadelis, owner of Telly's Greenhouse, presenting a slide show featuring new flowers for 2009. Noon Wed. Big Beaver United Methodist Church, 3753 John R, Troy. $5. Refreshments will be served. 248-879-7488.
Butterflies ... Plant and They Will Come: Brenda Dziedzic will talk about host/larva plants, nectar plants and other components needed for a butterfly garden. 7 p.m. Wed. University of Michigan-Dearborn Environmental Interpretive Center, 4901 Evergreen, Dearborn. Free. 734-786-6860. www.mgawc.org/prog_intro.htm.
Postage Stamp Gardens: Michael Saint, certified master gardener with Good Earth Landscape Institute, will give instructions on creating a garden in a small space. 7-8 p.m. Thu. Waterford Kettering High School, 2800 Kettering, Waterford. $19. Register: 248-682-1088.
Growing Beautiful Orchids and Repotting Demonstration: Part of the 7th annual Orchid Festival. With local Orchid Society members. 1 p.m. Feb. 14. At all seven English Gardens locations. 800-335-4769. http://www.englishgardens.com/ for locations.
Michigan Orchid Society's Meeting: With Jim Heilig discussing multiflora phalaenopsis. 2:30 p.m. Feb. 15. First Baptist Church of Birmingham, 300 Willits, Birmingham. Free. 586-416-1496. http://www.miorchids.com/.
Learn to teach gardening to children: Participants will learn hands-on, age-specific teaching methods. Must be at least 16 years old and want to garden with youths ages 8-14. 6-9:30 p.m. Feb. 19. Macomb County MSU Extension, 21885 Dunham, Suite 12, Clinton Twp. $35. Register. 586-469-6431
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