Bob Biscigliano

Ernie Harwell permanently connected so many people who listened to him to the amazing game of baseball.  I'm a passionate Detroit Tigers fan who grew up not only listening to him broadcast games, but imitating his calls in my backyard with my brothers as we'd play whiffle ball.  When I think of Tigers baseball, I don't just think about my hometown baseball team, I hear Ernie Harwell.  When I see Tigers baseball, I hear Ernie Harwell.

Ernie Harwell is Detroit Tigers baseball.

So when Ernie gave what seemed like a "Thank you fans, good bye" speech tonight between the top and bottom half of the 3rd inning, I couldn't hold back the tears that built up in my eyes.  It was perfect, it was special, and it was heartwarming.  I got goosebumps all over my body as I let a tear drop loose and slide down my cheek.  I'm sure there were thousands of Tigers fans who felt the same way.

Ernie, thanks for all the memories.


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