The 2008 Wedding Season is officially here and for those who are "sans relationship," choosing between chicken or beef fairs to be a much easier decision to make compared to whether or not you should bring a date. When you are in a relationship, it is a given that you bring your significant other. When you are single, the choice to bring a date is not so easy. All kinds of questions start to arise when doing the mental pro and con list, unleashing a bit of anxiousness. It may even lead you down the path of declining the event all together. For myself, I have started to wonder if "Erin + Guest" will eventually replace my real name of "Erin Rose," since it obviously has become part of my identity as of late.
The Single Solvent Has Finally Arrived
In the summer of 2007, my good friend Roni Leibovich and I were discussing websites, computers, you know really exciting stuff over a few beverages on my back deck. He mentioned to me that he was working on a website and all he would reveal was that it was some kind of social network, like Facebook and Myspace. I was intrigued to say the least and tried to pull more details out of him (by offering him more beverages of course ;), but my attempts failed and he was tight lipped about his "project."
Fast forward to early March of this year, and an email shows up in my inbox from Roni with a link to http://www.weddingsingles.com/. In seconds, that top secret project officially unveiled itself before my very eyes! I went to the site and I was truly amazed by what he had created. "Genius," "Brilliant," and "About Damn Time" just scratch the surface when describing http://www.weddingsingles.com/. After navigating the site for a bit, it was blatantly obvious as to why he kept this on the DL before its official web debut.
Below is a description of site:
About WeddingSingles.com
The Reception: WeddingSingles.com is a revolutionary new site catering to single guests at weddings. It is a social networking service that allows its members to set up personal profiles that can be linked together through connection requests. WeddingSingles.com members can view each others' profiles, communicate with one another, and register new weddings. Users of the Website can search WeddingSingles.com for the wedding to which one has been invited, and meet other singles prior to the event.
The Toast: With the spotlight being on the bride and groom, every guest at a wedding should enjoy the joyous occasion equally and have a great time! Often, the best relationships stem from mutual friends. Instead of limiting yourself to a couple of hours with someone you may have met the evening of the event, socialize as long as you want prior to arriving at the wedding. You may not know one another personally, but you’re certainly not strangers!
The Celebration: Next time you receive an invitation with the formerly dreaded “+ guest” and do not have a date, need not worry! Are there cute and interesting singles already attending? Maybe you want to attend solo. Perhaps another Wedding Single intrigues you. In any case, you’re better informed, and the decision is up to you.
Finally, relief for us single folk! The site is very user friendly, super duper easy to set up a profile and navigate, oh and the best part:
The Membership to www.weddingsingles.com is FREE!
Roni and his site have received quite a bit of media buzz since its unveiling early this spring.
Below is the link to his official site along with the press the site has received:
Official Site
Social Networks
Singled Out? Not Anymore!
Detroit Public Radio 101.9 FM
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