What do apples, baby food, coffee, desserts, eggs, fruit snacks, granola, hair products, ice cream, juice, kielbasa, lemon cake, milk, noodles, oatmeal, peaches, queso dip, ravioli, sugar beets, Trout Chardonnay, vitamins, woodpecker cakes, X-strength pain relievers, yogurt, and zucchini have in common with Michigan's economy?
Plenty! This A-Z grocery list represents products grown and produced in Michigan towns like Acme and Zeeland, and nearly all points in between. More to the point, buying local Michigan made products is a simple - and healthy - way to boost the state's economy.
In fact, according to the Michigan Department of Agriculture, if each family in Michigan started spending $10 per week of their grocery bill on Michigan products, we would keep more than $37 million in Michigan, EACH WEEK.
To pay tribute to Michigan farmers and businesses and help residents identify Michigan made products, Grand Rapids-based Spartan Stores is launching its MICHIGAN's BEST statewide campaign in its 99 Family Fare, D&W Fresh Market, Felpausch, Glen's, Glen's Fresh Marketplace, and VG's throughout Michigan on July 5, 2009.
Spartan Stores carry over 2400 products grown and produced in Michigan. The products will be identified in all corporate owned stores with the MICHIGAN's BEST logo. In store specials, signage, and easy to fix recipes also will encourage shoppers to consider purchasing Michigan made products.
Family Fare Supermarket/Quick Stop www.familyfaresupermarkets.com
D&W Fresh Market Supermarket/Quick Stop www.dwfreshmarket.com
Felpausch Supermarket/Quick Stop www.felpausch.com
Glen's Markets Supermarket/Quick Stop www.glensmarket.com
Glen's Fresh Marketplace Supermarket/Quick Stop www.glensfreshmarketplace.com
VG's www.vgsfood.com
Interesting article.
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