An exploding food scene, young entrepreneurs taking back the city and the driven hustle of the All-American comeback city.
There is a city in the middle of America that is fast becoming a hipster haven full of artists, young entrepreneurs, and a rapidly rising restaurant scene - and we are not talking about the Windy City. Detroit is on the comeback trail, and travelers around the world will be taking notice.
Detroit has great bones - no city in the world looks like Detroit. Artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera called Detroit home in the 1930s. Architecture masterpieces like the Guardian Building and the Masonic Temple still give the city it's character. Barry Gordy and Motown started a soulful revolution, and hometown favorite Eminem help shape the lexicon of American Rap Music. All this cultural abundance and you can see Canada right across the Detroit River.
"The ashes have been rising in Detroit." Pashon Murray of Detroit Dirt speaks of the winds of change in the motor city, "We have the opportunity to rebuild one of America's great cities. Making it great for the next generation of Detroiters."
Mercy Mercy Me
Once the classic Americana city, Detroit was the industrial manufacturing mecca for decades around the world. The bottom finally dropped out in 2013 when Detroit became the largest American municipality to declare bankruptcy. Detroit was in the crapper and in dire need of either a serious makeover or ultimate implosion. Now, after decades of corruption, loss of millions of jobs and local government leaving this once great city in shambles, the citizens of Detroit are slowly picking themselves up off the floor and creating a Detroit 2.0.
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