It is time for a change in Detroit.  I usually stay out of all things political and religious in nature with my blog, but times have changed, well the political aspect has.  I cannot stomach to see the progress and strides so many have made in Detroit stifled by inefficient and short-sighted political servants.  To be clear, this is not a blanket statement directed at the Mayor's Office or City Council as a whole.  We all know the individuals that fall under this category and it does not apply to everyone. 

Declare Detroit has put together a Political Action Committee (PAC) to facilitate these efforts, below is from their website.  Please note I have no affiliation with this organization:

Imagine your “Dream Team” at Detroit City Hall. The best & brightest leaders from every district, shaping the city’s future. Now imagine that YOU were a part of sending this team to work.

This year, Declare Detroit is taking the Detroit Declaration to the next level — with real political action. Welcome to our new Political Action Committee (PAC) — a vehicle to support candidates who are committed to moving Detroit forward, guided by the principles of the Detroit Declaration.  They invite you to participate in the PAC by donating to the fund and identifying promising future leaders.

To learn more about Declare Detroit and their principals, please click HERE!

To donate online, click HERE.


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