The DDF is a week-long festival in Detroit, including signature events that showcase Detroit design and designers, through exhibitions, installations, design shows, round table discussions, studio tours, and virtual discussions.
Through the DDF, Detroit creative practitioners will connect to each other, connect to new markets and consumers, and connect to global audiences, engaging not only Detroit’s design community, but the larger world, as Detroit becomes a global center of creative innovation.
We are looking for involvement from the following:
- venues
- artists
- fashion designers
- interior designers
- event designers
- industrial designers
- furniture designers
- chefs
- volunteers
- ..... and more!
Meetings will take place at the Detroit Creative Corridor Center, located on the first floor of the A. Alfred Taubman Center for Design Education.
The first Info Session is scheduled for Wednesday, July 13th, at 6pm. Come on out and meet some interesting people, have a great time, and find out more about getting involved with DDF. Be prepared to have some good creative fun!
Future Info Sessions to be announced soon!
Check us out:
sharing!! i think this event is awesome!
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