In Photos: Hayden Panettiere & Emma Roberts on the set of ‘Scream 4′ plus updated Dearborn, MI filming information
On Location Vacations

On Wednesday, June 29, Scream 4 filmed several scenes at Woodworth Middle School, 4951 Ternes St Dearborn, MI which was converted into Woodsboro High School for the film. Though it was previously suspected the school would be used for a flashback scene, it was actually used for current high school shots starring Hayden Panettiere, Emma Roberts and Marielle Jaffe.

In the first scene, the girls filmed an exterior shot in which they started walking toward the school and another character runs up to them and interrupts their conversation. Later in the day, they filmed interior shots in a classroom, the scene also included 2 buses filled with extras and 3 TV vans.

Though original reports stated that they would be filming at the school again on July 6, & July 9 from 5 a.m. until 10 p.m., on Wednesday residents received an updated flier from the production company stating they would be filming at the school again on July 2nd and July 8th.

One of our tipsters, Toni, also checked out the Livonia, MI set yesterday where she was able to get a picture of the Scream mask in one of the trucks. The usual “Z” signs representing Scream 4 were spotted around the set and they saw some of the actors break for lunch. She also spotted David Arquette in his usual deputy’s costume.

In other Scream 4 news, one of our favorites, Adam Brody has officially joined the cast! According to EW, the former O.C. star will play “a cop recently graduated from college who was raised on the CSI TV series.” But, the bad news is, Lauren Graham is out.

Thanks to Carlos and Toni for all of the scoop and pictures!


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