Panera Bread is launching its “Top Teacher” contest. Metro Detroit students, parents and others can nominate their favorite local K-12 teachers to be honored as the area’s favorite educator.

In addition to rewarding the winning teacher and the person who nominated them, each nomination will trigger a $1 donation to the United Way for Southeastern Michigan’s local summer backpack program for hunger relief.

Nominations will be accepted April 16th – 30th 

 The winning teacher will receive a Panera Bread breakfast for their classroom, a $200 Panera gift card and $100 in supplies! This comes ever-so-handy at a time when a whopping 97% of teachers dip into their own pockets to purchase necessary supplies, according to the National Teaching Realities Survey, Kelton Research, 2010. The survey also found that in 2009, teachers spent more than $350 on average from their own income on supplies and materials!

Aside from rewarding the winning teacher, the individual who nominated them will be entered to win an E-Reader and $50 Panera Gift Card. Winners will be announced during National Teacher’s Week May 7th – 11th.

Anyone who knows of a deserving teacher can head to to submit their nomination.


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