As the FIRST Robotics state championships take place at Eastern Michigan University, Lori Gleason, a physics teacher at Milford High School, has been honored as 2010 FIRST Robotics Teacher of the Year.
Presented by WWJ Newsradio 950 along with Kettering University, FIRST Teacher of the Year competition is meant to honor those teachers who, as team mentors, give selflessly of their time and resources to support the bright and talented Michigan high school students designing, constructing, and competing in the FIRST Robotics competition.
Gleason wins the award as the #1 vote recipient in voting by thousands of FIRST students and WWJ listeners. As winner, she will receive a $1,000 check and a trophy from Kettering University.
One nominator writes, "Ms. Gleason has been a physics and chemistry teacher for over 11 years at Milford High School in the Huron Valley School District. Her desire and hard work to help students succeed is as strong today as it was when she first started...Whether she is tutoring one on one or working in small groups after school, Ms. Gleason is there for the students."
"Teamwork is also important to Lori," writes Gleason's second nominator.
"She is aware that it takes a team, not an individual, to build a robot and she wants every member to know that as well. She has the students work in small groups so that people are encouraged to communicate with each other... Lori taught all of the members that communication is the key to success and that no one knows what you are thinking unless you tell them. Because of this, team members learn the vital skill of communication, which they will use for the rest of their lives.
Lori makes sure the individual team member knows that their contribution is essential to the group's success. Countless times Lori has gone above and beyond her mentoring duties to help HOT Team students succeed.... Students are very aware of Lori's obvious passion for the HOT Team. In the student's eyes she is the most influential mentor on the team."
. To check out the team website, click here.
To learn more about FIRST and view videos of some of the robots in action, visit this link.
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