Apr 6, 2016

HuffPost: Muslim And Jewish Volunteers Unite To Aid A Struggling Detroit School

 Muslim and Jewish communities are defying stereotypes and coming together to do community service work across Michigan.

Volunteers from the Michigan Muslim Community Council, the Jewish Community Relations Council of Detroit and the Detroit community at-large joined forces in March to help beautify Nolan Elementary-Middle School, one of the many public schools that has been hit hard by the debt plaguing the Detroit school system.

“It’s two faiths coming together for one cause, which is helping our students who are going to be our future,” said Sumaiya Ahmed, the communications director for the Michigan Muslim Community Council.

While the Michigan senate recently approved $48.7 million in emergency funding for Detroit schools, keeping institutions like Nolan open through the year, the volunteers took matters into their own hands by organizing the library, fixing broken toilet seats in the bathrooms and painting murals along the school’s hallways.

Click HERE For The Full Article! 

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