Aug 10, 2010

Want to Work with Alicia Silverstone & Sigourney Weaver in Detroit? Here's Your Chance!

Jessica Nunez

Vampires are taking over Detroit.

And by vampires, we mean fake vampires played by Alicia Silverstone and Krysten Ritter ... but that's even better, right?

The actresses are in the Motor City filming the movie "Vamps," about two young, single vampire gals living the lux life in New York City (played by the great city of Detroit).

The vampires are faced with a choice that could threaten their mortality when they fall in love with a couple of humans.

According to the film location insider's website Before the Trailer, filming is taking place today on the Wayne State University campus.

Sigourney Weaver will play the vampire queen and funny guy Todd Barry will play her assistant.

Wallace Shawn, Silverstone's co-star in "Clueless" (remember Mr. Hall?) will play the role of the infamous vampire hunter Dr. Van Helsing.

Comedian Richard Lewis will reportedly play an ACLU lawyer in the film.

It is directed by "Clueless" director Amy Heckerling.

Silverstone herself put out a call for "Vamps" extras on her blog "The Kind Life" a few days ago.

She said they're looking for a few "good looking, sexy, confident males in mid 20’s/mid 30’s," someone who looks like Edgar Allen Poe (??), "a bunch of 'hot' girls" for club scenes, people who can pull off the "goth" style and someone to double as a young Richard Lewis.

She says to email a photo and contact information to if you're interested in any roles.

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